Our Service Commitment

At the heart of our business lies protection. As one of the world's largest insurers, we lead the industry and drive innovation to safeguard what matters most to you, ensuring peace of mind. We prioritise understanding your needs and offering straightforward, personalised solutions for your convenience. Generali Malaysia is dedicated to maintaining service standards in line with the Industry Customer Service Charter.

Pillar 1

Insurance Made Accessible

Our insurance products are easily accessible via various channels, both physically and virtually, enabling you to obtain information, make purchases, or enquire about our services.

We offer an active engagement model where you will be made aware of:

  • Multi-channel options and accessibility for making purchases and enquiries.
  • Where and how to provide feedback, suggestions, and complaints.

Our physical and engagement channels are available to you to purchase products or make enquiries. You have access to the following:

  • An insurance agent locator (not applicable for Life insurance)
  • Branch locator
  • A list of customer engagement channels, i.e. corporate website, self-service customer web portal, live chat, and call centre.
We would love to hear from you!

If we have not met your expectations in any way, please let us know as we hope to address any problems you may have with your insurance policy or our services. We welcome and value any feedback that you may have. 

For us to resolve any issues quickly, it is important that you provide us with as much information as possible when you contact us.

  1. Your full name, policy number (for life and non-motor insurance) or vehicle number (for motor insurance), and NRIC number.
  2. Contact details: Your mobile phone number and email address. If you wish to be contacted only during certain hours, please let us know your preferred time between 8.45am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
  3. Complaint or feedback information:  Kindly provide the specifics of your complaint/feedback, such as the time occurred, its nature, and the individuals involved.  If you have any supporting documentation, kindly provide it to us as well.
Pillar 2

Know Your Customer

We will strive to assist customers in finding the right products to suit their needs.

  1. Knowledgeable and ethical staff are available to serve customers.
  2. We ensure that our employees and intermediaries are properly trained on the products and services offered.
  3. Training will be provided once a new product is launched, and regular refresher courses will be provided on existing products.

As we tailor our services and solutions to better protect you, we aim to:

  1. Listen to you attentively.
  2. Acknowledge and properly understand your needs and preferences.
  3. Request requisite information and documents to advise you accordingly and in compliance with the Industry’s Code of Practice on the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.  
  4. Provide you with options of suitable products and services that meet your needs while preserving the confidentiality of your information.

Any options provided to the policyholder shall be explained and offered on an “opt-in basis”, e.g. riders, sharing/using of policyholder’s information for marketing and research purposes.

Pillar 3

Timely, Transparent & Efficient Service

We will establish clear responsibilities towards customers and uphold them.

We have standardised commitments on clear responsibilities, which are outlined in our Client Charter. It covers the following guiding principles:

  1. A clear and concise objective of the charter
  2. Mission
  3. Values that we provide to you, such as fairness, transparency, integrity, ethics, professionalism, and timeliness
  4. Efficient and effective communication channels
We will establish clear expectations regarding the time required for various services.

Walk-in Customers:

  • We will ensure to serve you within 10 minutes.
  • Simple enquiries will be addressed on the spot.
  • Cases requiring further review will receive a response within 3 working days. We will notify you if additional time is needed.

Enquiries and Complaints via Phone:

  • Simple enquiries will be resolved within the first call.
  • Cases requiring further review will receive a response within 3 working days. We will notify you if additional time is needed.

Enquiries and Complaints via Email / Social Media

  • We will provide an acknowledgment response within 1 calendar day.
  • The acknowledgment will include the expected timeline and any other relevant information.
  • For non-complex enquiries, we will respond within 3 working days from the date of receipt.

Enquiries and Complaints via Letter or Fax

Enquiries will receive a response within 3 working days from the date of receipt for non-complex enquiries.

We will ensure efficient policy servicing and provide relevant documentation in a timely manner. Here are the details:

  1. Customers shall be informed of each step and documentation required to alter, renew, surrender, or cancel a policy, e.g. what happens when there are changes to the policy, notice on renewal, etc. as well as the consequence arising from any of these actions.
  2. Customers will be reminded in the renewal notice to inform the insurance company of any changes in the risk before renewal.

Note: The timelines above do not take into account the onboarding process

Policy Issuance (upon acceptance in the policy system) for new and existing customers
  1. Policy issuance is within 5 working days for Standard Health cases.
  2. Policy issuance is within 10 working days for Complex Health cases, where additional information is required or there is a pre-existing medical condition.
  3. Medical cards for Health insurance (if applicable) will be issued within the same policy issuance timeline stated above.
  4. Policy issuance is within 5 working days for manual issuance, with the exception of new vehicles to be registered with JPJ for Motor cases.
  5. Policy issuance is within 10 working days for other Non-Motor cases.
Change of policy details/reissuance upon lapse/ endorsement (upon acceptance in the policy system)
  1. Motor - within 3 working days.
  2. Non-Motor - within 5 working days.ts that remain unresolved, you may also refer the matter to:
Renewal notice

A renewal notice will be issued within 30 calendar days before the expiry of the existing policy.

Cancellation/ surrendering of policy (including refund of premium)
  1. Motor – within 5 working days.
  2. Non-Motor – within 7 working days.

We will maintain openness and transparency in our dealings, which include:

  1. Sharing product related details, such as product features, product disclosure sheets, terms, and conditions, key facts, and exclusions at the point of sale.
  2. Disclosing fees, charges (other than premiums), interest (if any), and obligations related to the use of a product or service (e.g., explaining when premiums need to be paid and coverage warranty).
  3. Provide an anti-fraud statement highlighting key points to remember, such as the confidentiality of customer information, a free look period of not less than 15 calendar days, and the insurer’s right to reject or accept applications.

We will ensure consistent and thorough complaints handling:

  1. Acknowledge receipt of a complaint within two (2) days from the date of receipt.
  2. Address and resolve all complaints within 14 calendar days.
  3. For matters requiring further investigation, you will be informed of the progress within 14 calendar days.
  4. If the complaint remains unresolved, you will be informed of the progress in the next 14 calendar days thereafter, after every 30 calendar days.
  5. If you are dissatisfied with the resolution to your complaint, please inform us. Alternatively, you may refer your complaint to Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) or the Financial Markets Ombudsman Services (FMOS).

If you have further queries, please contact us through our communication channels, listed at the end of this page.

Pillar 4

Fair, Timely, and Transparent Claims Settlement Process

Generali Insurance Malaysia

Generali Insurance Malaysia Berhad’s Claims Customer Service Charter outlines our commitment to delivering high standards of service for both motor and non-motor claims to our customers at all times.

We are also dedicated to providing a clear and supportive process for customers (“You”) when selecting repairers for vehicle repairs.

We are focused on establishing a clear and efficient timeline for our claims settlement process, aiming to resolve all claims within the specified timeframe while ensuring transparency throughout the procedure.

Motor Customer Service Charter (MCSC)
  1. We will notify you of the estimated timeline for the claims settlement process and the expected service standards. This information will be disseminated through various channels, including branches, brochures, Customer Service centre, social media, and our website.
  2. We strive to acknowledge your claim request within three (3) working days of receiving the claim notification.If the claim documentation is incomplete or additional investigation is required, we will notify you within seven (7) working days of acknowledging your claim.
  3. We will advise you on the key claim procedures and timelines*, including:
    • appointment of an adjuster within five (5) working days
    • claim approval within five (5) working days after completing the assessment
    • theft claims approval within sixty (60) working days from date of the notification
  4. Our authorised panel workshop will complete the repair works within fifteen (15) working days from the date of approval of the repair estimates except for exceptional circumstances, such as extensive damage to the vehicle or non-availability of parts.
  5. For claims that require further investigation, you will receive updates on the progress/ decision every twenty-one (21) working days.
  6. We will provide you with updates at the time of claim registration, upon approval of your claim, and upon completion of repairs (for Own Damage claims).
  7. For any unsatisfactory repairs, we will perform reinspection of vehicle within five (5) working days from the date reported.
  8. Claims payments will be processed within seven (7) working days from the date of receipt of the acceptance of the offer and all relevant documents.

We will notify you of the next level of escalation if the claims settlement/ repudiation is not to your satisfaction:

  • We will provide you with the available channels to appeal a decision or raise a dispute (i.e. branch/ brochures/ Customer Service centre/ website).
  • If you are not satisfied with our decision, please refer your dispute to the Financial Markets Ombudsman Services (“FMOS”) within 6 months from the date of our final decision. The procedure for lodging a dispute with FMOS is available at www.fmos.org.my.


  1. Claims settlement and timeline for general insurance business are governed by Bank Negara Malaysia’s Policy Document on Claims Settlement Practices, and general insurers shall operate accordingly.
  2. The timeline stated above are subject to submission of complete, accurate information and relevant documents received by us.
  3. We will advise you on the key claim procedures and timelines. Customers with GeneraliMY App can track the progress of repair.
  4. We will display this Claims Customer Service Charter at all branches and websites.
Non-Motor Customer Service Charter
  1. We will notify you of the estimated timeline for the claims settlement process and the expected service standards. This information will be disseminated through various channels, including branches, brochures, Customer Service Centre, social media, and our website.
  2. We strive to acknowledge your claim request within seven (7) working days of receiving the claim notification.
  3. If the claim documentation is incomplete or additional investigation is required, we will notify you within seven (7) working days of acknowledging your claim.
  4. For claims that require further investigation, you will receive updates on the progress/ decision every twenty-one (21) working days.
  5. Claims decision will be provided within seven (7) working days from receipt of final assessor report.
  6. Claims payments will be processed within fourteen (14) working days from the date of receipt of the acceptance of the offer and all relevant documents.
  7. In the event of a catastrophe/ disaster, where a large number of claims may be received, meeting stipulated timelines may not be possible. In such cases, we will strive to provide updates every 21 working days on the progress.

We will notify you of the next level of escalation if the claims settlement/ repudiation is not to your satisfaction:

  • We will provide you with the available channels to appeal a decision or raise a dispute (i.e. branch/ brochures/ Customer Service Centre/ website).
  • If you are not satisfied with our decision, please refer your dispute to the Financial Markets Ombudsman Services (FMOS) within 6 months from the date of our final decision. The procedure for lodging a dispute with FMOS is available at www.fmos.org.my.


  1. Only applicable to non-motor personal lines claims
  2. Claims settlement and timeline for general insurance business are governed by Bank Negara Malaysia’s Policy Document on Claims Settlement Practices, and general insurers shall operate accordingly.
  3. The timeline stated above are subject to submission of complete, accurate information and relevant documents received by us.
  4. We will display this Claims Customer Service Charter at all branches and websites.

Generali Life Insurance

GLIMB’s Customer Claim Charter outlines our commitment to delivering high standards of service for life insurance claims to our customers at all times. We provide a clear and supportive process for customers (“You”). Our focus is establishing a clear and efficient timeline for our claims settlement process, aiming to resolve it within the specified timeframe while ensuring transparency throughout the procedure.

Claims Notification

  1. We strive to acknowledge your claim request within seven (7) working days after receiving the claim notification.

Claims Assessment

  1. If the claim documentation is incomplete or if additional investigation is required, we will notify you within fourteen (14) working days after acknowledging your claim.
  2. Claims decision & payments will be processed within fourteen (14) working days from the date of receipt of the acceptance of the offer and all relevant documents.

We will notify you of the next level of escalation if the claims settlement/repudiation is not to your satisfaction

  • We will provide you with the available channels to appeal a decision or raise a dispute (i.e. branch/brochures/Customer Service Centre/ website).
  • If you are not satisfied with our decision, please refer your dispute to the Financial Markets Ombudsman Services (FMOS) within six (6) months from the date of our final decision. The procedure for lodging a dispute with FMOS is at www.fmos.org.my

We are committed to assist our customers in providing efficient and effective responses when handling complaints and enquiries. Customers can contact us through these channels:

Our Service Centres

Generali Insurance Malaysia Berhad

Generali Customer Service Centre
Level 1, Menara Generali,
27 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: 1300 13 2121 or +603 3007 2121
Email: customer.service.gi@generali.com.my
Social Media:  www.facebook.com/GeneraliMalaysia
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5.00pm (Excluding public holidays)

Generali Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad

Generali Customer Service Centre
Level 1, Menara Generali,
27 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Tel: 1300 13 2121 or +603 3007 2121
Email: customer.service.life@generali.com.my
Social Media:  www.facebook.com/GeneraliMalaysia
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5.00pm (Excluding public holidays)

Feedback and Complaint

Generali Insurance Malaysia Berhad

Officer In-Charge: Tan Chew Ee
Tel: 1300 13 2121 or +603 3007 2121
Email: feedback.gi@generali.com.my  
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5.00pm (Excluding public holidays)

Generali Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad

Officer In-Charge: Mr Sharul Azri
Tel: 1300 13 2121 or +603 3007 2121
Email: customer.service.life@generali.com.my  
Operating Hours: Monday to Friday 8.45am to 5.00pm (Excluding public holidays)


Laman Informasi Nasihat dan Khidmat (BNMLINK)
4th Floor, Podium Bangunan AICB,  
No. 10, Jalan Dato' Onn,
50480 Kuala Lumpur

Contact Centre (BNMTELELINK)

Jabatan LINK & Pejabat Wilayah
Bank Negara Malaysia

P.O. Box 10922, 50929 Kuala Lumpur
Tel. no.: 1-300-88-5465
Email: bnmlink.bnm.gov.my

Financial Markets Ombudsman Services (formerly known as Ombudsman for Financial Services)

Company No: 200401025885

Level 14, Main Block,
Menara Takaful Malaysia,
No 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman,
50000 Kuala Lumpur.

General Line: +603-2272 2811
Website: www.fmos.org.my

Disclaimer: The information provided in this Client Charter is intended for quick reference only and should not be considered a binding contract. For further details and comprehensive information, please contact Generali Malaysia or your servicing officers.

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